Primaries, Tuesday, August 14th Things are warming up for the Tuesday primaries; especially, among the Democrats. Let’s clear up the Republican Gubernatorial first. Everything in this article is speculation and guesswork. We expect Tim Pawlenty to prevail. By how much nobody knows. Jeff Johnson doesn’t seem to have the money or organizational stamina to do Read More…
A Tribute to Charles Krauthammer
There are times in our lives when others really matter. This is one of them when we look upon the life of Charles Krauthammer. Here is one such that we all can admire and appreciate. A gift to us. A man of grace, conviction, wit and consummate intellect. He believed in telling the truth regardless Read More…
Minnesota Gubernatorial Primaries Opens Door to Regular Citizen Voters
June 5, 2018 Opinion and Analysis Zip-puh-dee-do-dah my oh my what a wonderful day! Plenty of action comin’ our way! Minnesota gubernatorial primaries opens the door to regular citizen voters. The BIG question is Can the Middle Minnesotans take back their government from the far left and the far right? Can the rural Democrats make their voices Read More…
The Truth about Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America
On February 21, 2018, The Center of the American Experiment hosted Stephen Moore for a luncheon in Minneapolis using the above heading. Mr. Moore presented three main points or suggestions for Minnesota to the audience. Number One was the concept of a Right to Work state. Number Two was to scrap our individual income tax Read More…
GOP Straw Poll Misses Its Mark – 2018 Precinct Caucuses
No write-ins allowed… Pawlenty Excluded Wednesday’s St. Paul Pioneer Press featured Republican Senate District 65 St. Paul precinct caucuses with a surprise visit by DFL Mayor Melvin Carter. What the article did not cover was the fact that the gubernatorial straw ballot only contained the names of declared candidates and provided no write-in opportunity Read More…
Minnesota Senate District 65 Republican Caucus – 2018
Bob Smith was in attendance at the recent SD65 Caucus, when St. Paul Mayor, Melvin Carter dropped by for a visit. For more on the SD65 Caucus, See the Pioneer Press article. As candidates try to woo caucus-goers, St. Paul mayor drops in on GOP meeting By FREDERICK MELO | and CALLIE SCHMIDT | Read More…