The Politically Incorrect Craze is off the Tracks…
Where is Minnesota in all of this?
We need to examine what is transpiring in the PC Mania. How did it get started here? We must be very careful of our language and thoughts so as to not offend anybody or anything; especially, if it even hints of being contrary to the only proper liberal progressive leftist view—understanding that there is no other acceptable thought. Let’s look at a few things.
Several or more years back Minnesota had a welcoming statue of the Jolly Green Giant just off the highway as you drove into southern Minnesota. Now, it’s gone. Was this done for legitimate business or safety reasons or did the Jolly Green Giant offend the Reds or some other self-appointed movement? H-mm! We’ll have to put some deep thinking on that.
Moving on, what other Minnesota landmarks or symbols could come under attack. Let’s back up to New York. They call themselves the Empire State. That sounds imperialistic. Then they build an edifice to that notion called the Empire State Building. Where is the outrage? Call the NY legislature to special session to appropriate funds to demolish the building. But don’t stop there, didn’t a railroad called the Empire Builder start somewhere and have tracks to St. Paul? Get with it, tear up the tracks and plant flowers.
That brings us here. Is St. Paul City Hall safe? There is a great sculpture in it called the Indian God of Peace. A work of art but controversial from its onset. A PC challenge. But all of a sudden a storm and massive flooding hits Texas and Louisiana. Property is destroyed and thousands of lives are at risk. First responders can’t get to everybody and citizens with boats become the safety net. What more can go wrong? Let’s look at an example of unintended Political In-Correctness.
Volunteers came from all over to help rescue flood victims. One-if memory serves us correctly-came from San Antonio with his truck full of food, water, baby formula and his Jet Ski. The goods were furnished by his high school friends to help the victims he rescued. What a wonderful humanitarian response to a tragedy. Wait! Oh, oh! It turns out this is a terribly Politically In-Correct, untenable happening that cannot stand.
It turns out that the rescuer is a mis-educated individual from an obvious Politically In-Correct high school; that the food, water, and baby formula is PC contaminated. We have a crisis. All this came from the Robert E. Lee High School. Bow our heads and pray for deliverance. We must digress and point out this circumstance is an opportunity for the pharma industry to develop and market a PC Purification pill. The nation can’t wait, the FDA must waive its decades of double-blind clinical studies requirements-the medicine is needed right now. Whew!
We could continue this PC insanity ad nausea. Enough of our facetious approach to this phenomenon. It’s crazy. We would like to offer some positive suggestions to the left on this matter. Some solutions that could be employed.
People can have many viewpoints and there is nothing wrong with that. Let’s start with a subject that is less emotional-cars. Different people may like different brands for many different reasons. Competition is good in the industry and we all tend to benefit from it. We don’t think there are a lot of fights over what vehicle you drive.
Carry that model forward to politics. It seems to break down and rational thought often disappears. Let’s zero in on one area-freedom of expression as it relates to our nation’s history often set in statuary or some sort of symbol. How can we best understand and relate to them regardless of our political inclinations and how can we educate our children and populace of their meaning?
These present great learning opportunities, a chance for meaningful historical perspective and the development of critical thinking. Many children and young adults have little knowledge of World War II and the Civil War might seem eons ago. We might suggest that a vitriolic reaction to a statue to Robert E. Lee is not a sensible way to go. Better to really explore all the elements leading to General Lee’s faithfulness to this country and his southern background. This was an agonizing time for him. Possibly, something like Chief Little Crow reluctantly assumed in the Minnesota 1862 uprising.
Our guess is that the progressive left in their fanatic mindset do not place things in context and the timeframe of occurrences. The “why” and “how come”? We believe that it would be a step in the right direction (no pun intended) for the progressive liberals to truly open their minds to broader thought. Fini.
Paul, keep an eye on Babe, Please…You never know.
Bob Smith, 3rd
Gopher State Politics Institute
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