This past week Amazon announced it was no longer considering New York City for a second headquarters. One does not need to be a Thursday morning quarterback to figure that one out. Virtually anyone in between the coasts would consider the selection crazy on its face. It’s a massive culture clash, to begin with. How Read More…
Make Sure You Vote on Tuesday!!!
Remember to vote on Tuesday! Every vote counts!
Thank You Center of The American Experiment & Alan Dershowitz
We at Gopher State Politics attended the Center of the American Experiment – 2018 Fall Briefing at the Ordway in St. Paul, MN. This year’s Fall Briefing featured a keynote speech from Professor Alan Dershowitz. It was a great evening, visiting with friends and sharing insights!!!
The 50 State Freedom Index… Something to Keep an Eye on…
Recently, a friend of ours from Arizona phoned about midnight central time to say that he had just watched a Cato Institute program on C-SPAN on why people move to different states. He was fascinated by it. What we believe he watched was a discussion of Cato’s Freedom Index. In this case, the 50 State Read More…
Minnesota Gubernatorial Primary Thoughts
…Right on with the DFL …missed it on the GOP side Back before the August 14 primaries, we picked up on an alleged intra-party DFL attack mailing on Mr. Walz. The mailing pointed out that he had missed 60% of Congressional votes and that we didn’t need a 40% Governor. That gave us the opening Read More…
2018 Minnesota Constitutional Office Primaries
Yippee-aye-yeah! The Spurs are Flying. DFL Races Heap Up with More Dirt. Just about all the major non-endorsed candidates for the Minnesota DFL primaries have now been tainted with some sort of allegations. In our previous writing, we didn’t bring in the Swanson political intra-office activities allegations but they had cropped up. Now, we’re hit Read More…