Bringing Home The Bacon Our elected officials in the District of Columbia gave us some sort of tax reform or reduction and job creation legislation for a Christmas present. The corporate went to 21% to enable us to compete better internationally. It also provided a repatriation rate for corporate funds parked overseas of a one-time Read More…
Third in a Weekend, Franken Series
Things Get Murkier and Murkier… Was Al Part of the Conyers Package? What Next? When does the intrigue stop? We thought we had this resignation issue pretty well sewed up earlier but revelations keep coming. The District (of Columbia) is a swirl with word that the Congressional Black Caucus had balked about forcing Rep. Conyers Read More…
Who Should Dayton Appoint?
Should Franken resign? What’s best for Minnesota and Minnesota Dems? Try this… We think Al should stay and turn Independent! You betcha! Amid all the fuss and speculation over what many see as the railroading of Senator Al Franken, we would like to throw out a few more thoughts. Please check our posting of Friday, Read More…
Senator Franken Wimps Out…
National Dems throw him under the Wellstone bus. Orchestrated move negates Minnesota voters. Hypocrisy at work… can he redeem himself? Al was expendable and fell into the Get Trump At Any Cost trap. This is no accident as the timing worked out for the December 12 Alabama special election. With Al out the Dems will Read More…
Follow-up from 2017 Mayoral Race & Election Predictions
Owie! OOTLP (out-on-the-limb-predictions) from Election Day on Twin Cities mayoral races… two branches sawed off… Old-time DFL Party Extinguished and Bernie is beaming! On November 7, 2017, election day, we made out on the limb predictions on some of the Twin Cities school board races and ventured bold choices that the voters would likely make for Read More…
Twin Cities Elections… Mayors, School Boards, Out on the Limb Predictions
November 7, 2017 Let’s start with Minneapolis mayor. Ranked-choice voting ought to favor the incumbent. She may not get the majority needed on the first ballot but she will prevail down the line. That’s a guess of course but we think a likely outcome. Edina school board should be interesting. A little bit of a Read More…