Never a dull moment at which was once one of Minnesota’s premier educational systems – the Edina Public Schools. The system appears to be in the middle of a political firestorm moving to a leftist machine. The Edina School state rankings, national rankings, and student scores are dropping. The basic function of a public school Read More…
Did This All Begin with the Jolly Green Giant?
The Politically Incorrect Craze is off the Tracks… Where is Minnesota in all of this? We need to examine what is transpiring in the PC Mania. How did it get started here? We must be very careful of our language and thoughts so as to not offend anybody or anything; especially, if it even hints Read More…
What Do Minnesota Taxes Have To Do With A Person’s Dental Care?
That’s a puzzling question. Why should taxes determine where you obtain dentistry? We believe most of us might wonder what role, if any, taxes play in what state you can choose your dentist. The whole idea seems silly. Unfortunately, it is a real issue when it comes to one or two Minnesota taxes. Here is Read More…
Center of the American Experiment-2017 Annual Dinner Gala
Gopher State Politics Institute was honored to attend and proud to sponsor tables for the Youth Leadership, tomorrow’s leaders. Once again, the American Experiment Leadership Team put on a fantastic Gala. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas shared a very informational and insightful keynote speech. Congratulations to all!
How is your Commute and is it taking you longer to get to the Cabin???
It’s time for a change!
Walgreens, Coca-Cola and Newspapers…
What do they have in common? OOTLP – (Out on the limb prediction) It appears that Walgreens is either testing or in the process of phasing out its Sunday advertising supplement in the papers. During the past few weeks it seems that the St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press didn’t carry the Walgreens supplement. H-mm? Those Read More…