The Chicago Protest Almost Guarantees Trump the Nomination and… the Presidency!
The Chicago protest on Friday, March 11, 2016 was a huge bonus for The Donald.
The public has just about had it with the smug, effete liberals and their disregard for fairness in political discourse. It seems it is alright for liberals to have it both ways but not for anybody else.
We think the angry electorate is not only over the top on punishing the Establishment – that is the people in power or whatever – but now they are going to transfer that anger to the protester crowds.
Friday’s Chicago events and the constant media exposure for Mr. Trump will likely put Florida in his column.
The Republican power brokers last stand is now Ohio!!! If Governor Kasich does not prevail in Ohio, it will turn out to be the establishment’s Little Big Horn, the game is over. Mr. Trump will be the nominee.
What the Democrats don’t realize is that their Chicago-born socialism theories that encourage the people to revolt so that big government can take over, subvert the Constitution and the American rule of law will backfire on them.
The people are going to revolt at the ballot box and whether we like Mr. Trump or not, and he is going to defeat Hillary in November.
We may be reading this wrong, but Mr. Trump appeals to the masses much more than Socialism appeals to them.
Bob Smith 3rd
Gopher State Politics Institute
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