Gopher State Politics Institute will make another OOTLP (Out on the Limb Prediction). The Donald will select Newt Gingrich for the vice-presidency slot. Why? Mr. Trump says he has 25,000 employees. He obviously cannot manage that number by himself so he has to rely on various types of supervision from top to bottom to run Read More…
Minnesota’s Great Wealth Migration, a Must Read!!!
If you have not read the April Issue of Twin Cities Business, you should! Dale Kurschner and his team have put together a great article based on in-depth research and surveys. The article, Minnesota’s Great Wealth Migration exposes the consequences of being a high tax state. The research also reinforces the findings of another study, Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax Read More…
Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax States 2016
If you have not had an opportunity to read the recent research by the Center of the American Experiment’s, Peter J. Nelson, it is a must read! Here is the URL if you would like to read or download the PDF… Research As some of you are aware, I am a strong advocate for our Read More…
Our Thoughts on the Op-Ed “The Feds Won’t Rate My College” by David Whalen
On September 29, 2015, the Wall Street Journal carried an opinion piece titled “The Feds Won’t Rate My College” by David Whalen, the provost at Hillsdale College, Michigan. The Feds Won’t Rate My College by David Whalen At first blush, one might think what’s so important about this and why didn’t they get rated by Read More…
Rank Choice Voting?
My, my, what a wonderful thing we have in St. Paul! Ranked-choice voting a hold on—a Success? If a “success” means a system that favors the re-election of the incumbency, then ranked-choice is it! Unfortunately, this writer lives in Ward 2, where the 2011 city election was not a success. The incumbent trailed the votes Read More…