Now Available for Pre-Order!!! An amazing look at how a fellow Minnesotan, Thomas Hughes influenced and guided many historic events. I grew up with the author, Bruce L. R. Smith (my brother)… I am very proud of Bruce and this in-depth biography on how a Southern Minnesota gentleman had a significant impact on U.S. history. Read More…
Surprise, Surp-rise, Young People Aren’t Interested in Politics! By Bruce L. R. Smith
Every once in a while, one comes across an idea well-intentioned but so wrong-headed that it takes one’s breath away. I encountered such a one recently on the webpage of my esteemed former employer, the Brookings Institution, in a blog entry by an earnest non-resident Brookings scholar, Professor Jennifer Lawless of American University. Readers are Read More…
How Open Is the Opening to Cuba? By Bruce L. R. Smith
President Obama’s supporters congratulate him for “going big” in his opening to Cuba, restoring full diplomatic relations and proclaiming his intention to reverse a half century of failed policies. At first look, this was indeed a bold move, not a mere loosening of a travel restriction (as Obama did when he took office in Read More…
More on Lincoln Gordon by Bruce L. R. Smith
For those of you who have asked for more information about Professor Smith’s forthcoming book on Lincoln Gordon, I have found some additional details… Lincoln Gordon Architect of Cold War Foreign Policy Bruce L. R. Smith After World War II, American statesman and scholar Lincoln Gordon emerged as one of the key players in Read More…
The Mayor Finds Himself in Hot Water… By Bruce L. R. Smith
Guest Columnist… A View from Washington New York is a tough town. Its ball players, performers, business moguls, and of course politicians are always under pressure, and often find themselves in real jams. Mayor Bill de Blasio, near the end in his first year in office, has found himself in one of those very difficult Read More…