We at Gopher State Politics attended the Center of the American Experiment – 2018 Fall Briefing at the Ordway in St. Paul, MN. This year’s Fall Briefing featured a keynote speech from Professor Alan Dershowitz. It was a great evening, visiting with friends and sharing insights!!!
The Truth about Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America
On February 21, 2018, The Center of the American Experiment hosted Stephen Moore for a luncheon in Minneapolis using the above heading. Mr. Moore presented three main points or suggestions for Minnesota to the audience. Number One was the concept of a Right to Work state. Number Two was to scrap our individual income tax Read More…
CAE Annual Dinner Gala 2016 featuring Dana Perino
Thank you, Center of the American Experiment (CAE) for an enjoyable evening at their 2016 Dinner Gala. I believe it was another record attendance, with over 850 attendees. This year’s keynote speaker, Dana Perino, a former White House Press Secretary and now Fox News Commentator, shared her insights into Washington, DC politics and a few Read More…
Wake up Minnesota… Don’t follow Connecticut!
Interesting Op-Ed by Peter J. Nelson of the Center of the American Experiment. Minnesota, Please take note…. Connecticut has it all wrong. Minnesota Tax Plan Jeopardizes Its Health St. Cloud Times – Op-Ed Bob Smith, 3rd
Time to Eliminate Minnesota’s Estate Tax
You gotta hand it to them…the Center of the American Experiment just continues to do amazing work. Please, if you haven’t already done so, contact the Center for a print copy of Peter Nelson’s Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax States 2016. This 20 page monograph, IRS data-based shows you how Minnesota is losing Read More…
Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax States 2016
If you have not had an opportunity to read the recent research by the Center of the American Experiment’s, Peter J. Nelson, it is a must read! Here is the URL if you would like to read or download the PDF… Research As some of you are aware, I am a strong advocate for our Read More…