Bringing Home The Bacon Our elected officials in the District of Columbia gave us some sort of tax reform or reduction and job creation legislation for a Christmas present. The corporate went to 21% to enable us to compete better internationally. It also provided a repatriation rate for corporate funds parked overseas of a one-time Read More…
What Do Minnesota Taxes Have To Do With A Person’s Dental Care?
That’s a puzzling question. Why should taxes determine where you obtain dentistry? We believe most of us might wonder what role, if any, taxes play in what state you can choose your dentist. The whole idea seems silly. Unfortunately, it is a real issue when it comes to one or two Minnesota taxes. Here is Read More…
Re: State May Be Tapped Out on Taxing Rich (WSJ-May 20, 2017)
WSJ Article (Click Here) What State are they talking about? Connecticut? They’re pikers contrasted to the great state of 10,000 taxes. Minnesota just didn’t raise individual income taxes a tiny bit to 6.99% like Connecticut; Minnesota enacted the new top Edina tax rate of 9.85%–a 25% increase in 2013! That’s almost 50% more than the Read More…
Time to Eliminate Minnesota’s Estate Tax
You gotta hand it to them…the Center of the American Experiment just continues to do amazing work. Please, if you haven’t already done so, contact the Center for a print copy of Peter Nelson’s Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax States 2016. This 20 page monograph, IRS data-based shows you how Minnesota is losing Read More…
It’s Time for Action… Repeal the Edina Tax Bracket and Estate/Gift Tax Retroactively for the 2015 Tax Year. Yes, Retroactively Repeal Both!!!
Open Letter to the Governor, Minnesota Legislature and Concerned Minnesotans: It’s Time for Action… Repeal the Edina Tax Bracket and Estate/Gift Tax Retroactively for the 2015 Tax Year. Yes, Retroactively Repeal Both!!! New IRS tax data methodology is speeding up the process of understanding what is really happening to Minnesota in terms of losing taxpaying Read More…
Minnesotans Fleeing the State!
Congratulations to the Center of the American Experiment for its stunning tax study. Minnesotans on the Move to Lower Tax States 2016 by Peter J. Nelson Wow! Was this a bombshell! Minnesota continues to lose taxpayers and for the year 2013 to 2014, Minnesota lost a net $999 million dollars AGI to other states. Let’s repeat Read More…