If you have not had an opportunity to read the recent research by the Center of the American Experiment’s, Peter J. Nelson, it is a must read! Here is the URL if you would like to read or download the PDF… Research As some of you are aware, I am a strong advocate for our Read More…
Rank Choice Voting?
My, my, what a wonderful thing we have in St. Paul! Ranked-choice voting a hold on—a Success? If a “success” means a system that favors the re-election of the incumbency, then ranked-choice is it! Unfortunately, this writer lives in Ward 2, where the 2011 city election was not a success. The incumbent trailed the votes Read More…
Re: Un-friendly Business State
GE v. Connecticut… Thoughts by Robert L. “Bob” Smith, 3rd GE has announced that it is considering moving its headquarters out of Connecticut due in part to continuing corporate tax pile-ons. Two major tax changes have occurred in recent years to put GE on alert. One might be called a combined tax that taxes them Read More…