Things Get Murkier and Murkier… Was Al Part of the Conyers Package? What Next? When does the intrigue stop? We thought we had this resignation issue pretty well sewed up earlier but revelations keep coming. The District (of Columbia) is a swirl with word that the Congressional Black Caucus had balked about forcing Rep. Conyers Read More…
Who Should Dayton Appoint?
Should Franken resign? What’s best for Minnesota and Minnesota Dems? Try this… We think Al should stay and turn Independent! You betcha! Amid all the fuss and speculation over what many see as the railroading of Senator Al Franken, we would like to throw out a few more thoughts. Please check our posting of Friday, Read More…
How is your Commute and is it taking you longer to get to the Cabin???
It’s time for a change!
Memo to Governor Dayton… Minnesota Caucus vs. Primary
We Agree…back to the future with primaries for all. Governor Dayton has joined the hue and cry to stop the caucus voting and go back to primaries. We believe it was an embarrassment for the DFLers that the Bernie-boppers mopped the floors with Hillary. Tsk, tsk! Not nice to do in the establishment’s most established Read More…