National Dems throw him under the Wellstone bus. Orchestrated move negates Minnesota voters. Hypocrisy at work… can he redeem himself? Al was expendable and fell into the Get Trump At Any Cost trap. This is no accident as the timing worked out for the December 12 Alabama special election. With Al out the Dems will Read More…
Trump December 15 Business Empire Decision
Here is our latest OOTLP (Out on the Limb Prediction). Trump December 15 Business Empire Decision Much has been made of what will the President-elect decide to do with his business holdings. All sorts of legal and other views have been offered in the media as to how best to handle the divesting of the Read More…
Message to Senator Bernie Sanders: You’re a Phony; You’re Not a Real Leader
Like it or not, one has to evaluate the behavior and actions of Senator Sanders topped off by his soft interview Thursday November 10, 2016 on CNN. We regretfully came to the conclusion that he will not stand up there and tell his supporters of the liberal, progressive, socialistic movement to man up and knock Read More…
Arizona Trump Protesters, Either Really Stupid or Carrying Out A Cunning Hillary Plot!
Once again, “The Donald” scores a weekend media grab. Arizona Protesters Nearly Guarantee Trump Primary Victory. First Chicago and now the sands of Arizona. If the protesters genuinely thought they were doing good, then they are extraordinarily politically naive and stupid. On the other hand, was this an undercover Hillary move to help assure the Read More…
OOTLP (Out-On-The-Limb Prediction)
The Chicago Protest Almost Guarantees Trump the Nomination and… the Presidency! The Chicago protest on Friday, March 11, 2016 was a huge bonus for The Donald. The public has just about had it with the smug, effete liberals and their disregard for fairness in political discourse. It seems it is alright for liberals to have it both Read More…
OOTLP (Out on the Limb Prediction)
The Donald and Jesse will negotiate an endorsement…but can the two share the same stage? More is popping up in the WSJ and elsewhere that Trump is a Jesse Ventura national model. Most of us in Minnesota have been saying that for months. Jesse—for those who don’t know—is a former Minnesota Governor who ran as Read More…