Should Franken resign?
What’s best for Minnesota and Minnesota Dems?
Try this… We think Al should stay and turn Independent! You betcha!
Amid all the fuss and speculation over what many see as the railroading of Senator Al Franken, we would like to throw out a few more thoughts. Please check our posting of Friday, December 8 on this subject. It ended up too lengthy, to cover what we now propose.
Where do Minnesotans come out on this? And, where do the Minnesota DFLers end up strategically? Risk reward; to resign or not to resign, that is the question. Two basic outcomes, either he stays in the Senate or he leaves the Senate.
Let’s examine the situation if he leaves. That means the Governor appoints someone temporarily and the seat is on the 2018 and 2020 ballot. Now, MPR has Minnesota liberals jumping higher in trepidation than an eight-year-old on a pogo stick over the fear of former Governor Tim Pawlenty running for the Senate seat and the Dems losing it. Risky business but the risk could be mitigated by the proper appointment. Who?
We suggest that a favorable DFL approach would be for Governor Dayton to appoint Rep. Tim Walz. Why? This would take him out of the gubernatorial race and open the door for Tina Smith to run in a slot where she is more likely to win. The Republicans-we are confident-will botch that race unless Pawlenty can generate a sane path for them. Additionally, if Walz is appointed, there’s a possibility Pawlenty wouldn’t run. The further danger for the Dems is that Pawlenty would likely galvanize the Republican efforts statewide and CD1 and CD8 would be jeopardized along with some extra legislative seats.
If Al stays in the Senate, the Minnesota DFLers don’t have to take the above risks. He has been diminished by the national Dems so he has no impact there to benefit Minnesota BUT if he stays and turns Independent he has power and clout that could bring home bacon to Minnesota that he couldn’t do while he was a member of the national Dem caucus. As an Independent, the Republicans need his vote, the Dems need his vote. He then could vote his conscience for the benefit of Minnesotans rather than being hamstrung like he has been by the Democrat eastern liberal elitist’s power brokers in the Senate.
There seems to be a growing groundswell of support for Senator Franken to remain and resentment over his treatment by the national Congressional Dems. We make no judgment over the allegations. They should be investigated fairly, fully and justly for all involved. In the meantime, he should remain seated.
We pointed out yesterday the dangers of Congress voiding and altering state elections. Voters must have confidence that election terms stand-two, four, six years. Our system of governing is at risk if we end up with musical chair games.
This whole debacle is most unfortunate and bad for all involved. Let’s not, however, make it worse. Calm down, step back, get an overview and proceed in a controlled manner. Democracy may be flawed at times. Each of us needs to act rationally and intelligently for its betterment.
It’s your decision, Senator Al. We envision you as a powerhouse in the Senate when you take on the mantle of an Independent. We will honor you whichever way you go.
Bob Smith 3rd
Gopher State Politics Institute
December 9, 2017
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